Latest Ministry of Science and Technology MOST Jobs 2023 || Online Apply

Latest  Ministry of Science and Technology MOST Jobs 2023 || Online Apply

Science and Technology Ministry For a variety of staff positions, the Pakistani government is currently accepting applications from Pakistani nationals. Using data from the Daily The Nation Newspaper, a list of MOST Jobs 2023 for the Ministry of Science and Technology was created.

Ph.D. holders with 14 to 18 years of experience are eligible to apply for the open posts. These posts are located in Islamabad. The job ad below contains all the necessary eligibility information for applicants.

Ministry of Science and Technology complete introduction::

The Ministry of Science and Technology is a government department or ministry responsible for overseeing and promoting scientific and technological advancements within a country. Its primary objective is to foster the development and application of science and technology for the benefit of society, the economy, and national security.

The specific roles and responsibilities of the Ministry of Science and Technology may vary from country to country, but they generally include the following:

1. Policy Formulation: The ministry plays a crucial role in formulating policies and strategies related to science, technology, and innovation. It analyzes the current state of scientific research and technological development and proposes policies to promote growth and competitiveness in these areas.

2. Research and Development:
The ministry often oversees or collaborates with research institutions, universities, and laboratories to encourage and fund scientific research and development activities. It promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, identifies research priorities, and supports projects that have the potential for significant scientific and technological breakthroughs.

3. Funding and Grants: One of the essential functions of the ministry is to allocate funds for scientific research, development projects, and innovation initiatives. It may offer grants, scholarships, or subsidies to support researchers, entrepreneurs, and organizations engaged in science and technology-related activities.

4. Technology Transfer and Commercialization:
The ministry facilitates the transfer of technology from research institutions to industries and promotes the commercialization of scientific discoveries and inventions. It helps bridge the gap between academia and industry, fostering innovation-driven entrepreneurship and supporting technology start-ups.

5. Science and Technology Infrastructure:
The ministry is responsible for establishing and maintaining a robust science and technology infrastructure, including research facilities, laboratories, technology parks, and incubators. It ensures the availability of necessary resources and infrastructure for researchers and innovators to carry out their work effectively.

6. International Collaboration:
The ministry often engages in international collaborations and partnerships to promote knowledge exchange, scientific cooperation, and technology transfer. It participates in bilateral and multilateral agreements, joint research projects, and scientific exchanges to leverage global expertise and resources.

7. Science Education and Outreach: The ministry plays a role in promoting science education and awareness among the public. It supports initiatives to enhance scientific literacy, encourages STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, and organizes outreach programs to inspire the next generation of scientists and technologists.

8. Regulation and Ethics:
The ministry establishes guidelines, standards, and regulations for scientific research, technology development, and innovation to ensure safety, ethical considerations, and responsible use of emerging technologies.

Overall, the Ministry of Science and Technology serves as a key governmental body responsible for driving scientific and technological progress, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, and harnessing the potential of science and technology for the socio-economic development of a nation

Certainly! Here is a detailed overview of the Ministry of Science and Technology, including its history, jobs, salary, and facilities::


 The history of the Ministry of Science and Technology varies from country to country. In general, it traces its roots to the recognition of the importance of science and technology in driving economic growth and national development. Over time, governments have established dedicated ministries or departments to oversee and promote scientific research, technological advancements, and innovation within their respective countries.


The Ministry of Science and Technology offers a wide range of job opportunities across various domains. Some common job positions within the ministry may include:

Scientific Researchers: 

These professionals conduct scientific research in specialized fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science, and other related areas. They work on research projects, publish papers, and contribute to scientific advancements.

Technologists and Engineers: 

These individuals apply scientific knowledge to develop and implement new technologies. They may work on projects related to information technology, telecommunications, biotechnology, renewable energy, aerospace, and other sectors.

Policy Analysts: 

These professionals analyze scientific and technological trends, assess their impact on society and the economy, and formulate policies and strategies to promote science and technology development. They may also evaluate the effectiveness of existing policies and propose improvements.

Project Managers: 

These individuals oversee research and development projects within the ministry. They coordinate activities, allocate resources, manage timelines and budgets, and ensure that projects are carried out effectively and efficiently.

Technology Transfer Specialists: 

These professionals facilitate the transfer of technology from research institutions to industries. They assess the commercial potential of scientific discoveries, negotiate licensing agreements, and support technology start-ups and entrepreneurs in bringing innovations to market.

Science Educators:

The ministry may employ educators who develop and implement science education programs, design curriculum materials, and conduct workshops and training sessions to enhance scientific literacy and promote STEM education.


Salary structures within the Ministry of Science and Technology can vary depending on factors such as job position, level of experience, qualifications, and country-specific regulations. Salaries are typically competitive and often commensurate with the level of expertise and responsibilities associated with each role. Government-employed scientists, researchers, and technologists may receive additional benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and allowances.


The Ministry of Science and Technology generally operates from administrative offices, often located in the capital city or major urban centers. These facilities house the ministry's departments, divisions, and units responsible for various functions such as policy formulation, research funding, technology transfer, and administration.

In addition to administrative offices, the ministry may also oversee or collaborate with research institutions, laboratories, and universities that provide state-of-the-art facilities for scientific research and development. These facilities can include advanced laboratories, research centers, specialized equipment, and access to scientific databases and resources. Some countries may also have dedicated science and technology parks or innovation hubs that provide infrastructure and support for technology start-ups and research-intensive companies.

It's important to note that the specific details regarding jobs, salary, and facilities within the Ministry of Science and Technology can vary significantly depending on the country in question. Therefore, it is advisable to refer to the official websites or relevant government sources of a specific country's Ministry of Science and Technology for more accurate and up-to-date information.

Complete Information About This Job::

Publish Date:: 14th May 2023

Location:: Islamabad, Pakistan

Required Education:: Ph.D

Deadline Date:: May 29, 2023

Vacancies:: 01

Name of Department:: Ministry of Science and Technology - MOST

Complete Address:: Project Director, PCRET, Plot No. 25, Sector H-9, Islamabad, Pakistan

Vacant Positions::

  • Director General (MP-I)

How To Apply For These Jobs::

1. The Application Form can be obtained on the MOST Official Website at

2. Applications, along with other requisite papers, shall be forwarded to the Section Officer (ORG-II), Ministry of Science and Technology, Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad.

3. Applications must include all required data as well as certified copies of all supporting documentation.

4. Your applications must be properly filled out and handed to the account officer within 15 days.

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Latest  Ministry of Science and Technology MOST Jobs 2023 || Online Apply

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